Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kashgar - Epilogue

Here marks the conclusion of the Xinjiang journey. In the process of travel itself I always itch to write, and for weeks after I return home, I re-live the adventurous events over and over in my mind. When I look at the pictures I’m taken straight back, as we all are, transported to another place and another time. Such is the interaction between human mind and the process of documentation.

I was looking back over the list of things I wanted to write about from the trip, and having covered all the important bits, I took one last look over my massive file of photos from the trip and saw some favourites that for one reason or another, I hadn’t yet posted. I apologise if you have, in fact, seen any of these in previous posts, but so far as I can see they are mostly, if not all, new to your eyes. As usual, just click on the smaller ones to see the bigger version. You know, if you want. Or not. Whatever.

In terms of something to say to mark the end of my writing about Xinjiang, I have nothing more that really needs to be said. It was, all of it, bloody fantastic.



Oh, and thanks for reading about it all! Or thanks for looking at the pictures of it all!

Gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to know that people apart form my mum and Hanna actually read this.


  1. Hi,

    Really great Posts! I've enjoyed reading through your blogs because of the great style and energy. Even this photo blog is amazing.

    I have a blog on travel theme. If you're interested, we would love to have you on as a guest blogger. Please send me an e-mail and I can give you more information. Looking forward to hearing from you.


  2. Thanks, I'm flattered!
    You haven't left a like to your website though, I'd love to have a look at it...

  3. great, thx for the post, enjoyed reading and looking at the photos, appreciated your efforts.


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