It’s been a while since I did any real adventuring. (Unless
you include trying the carrot dumplings at the local wet market yesterday. Cos
that shit was intense.) I think just over a month has passed since the Xinjiang trip, and I won’t be
doing much else hardcore until Phuket in January. I pass these days with class
(university in China means classes 5 days a week) and a lot of reading and
writing and eating. The weather is officially freezing here in Jinan, and
snickers are cheap so I get to do a lot of winter-time thinking.
It was during one particular bout of such thinking, that I remembered
I hadn’t written a lot about my time in Beijing. It was university holidays for
July and August, and my mum came on a much-needed visit to China. Much-needed
by me, that is. Only silly people don’t admit that sometimes you just need your
mum. Anyways, we had a long time together and did lots of wonderful things, but
because I went to North Korea
for a while in the middle there, I didn’t write a lot about what we actually
did in Beijing. There was the cooking classes and The Summer Palace,
but I want to take you now to The Forbidden City.
Let us begin with a little background. Not too much, because
I think if you wanted the history of the place you would probably reed a little
deeper about it anyway, but some of the brief (and juicy) stuff is necessary to
appreciate the place. It was officially completed in 1420, and for about 500
years it was totally off-limits to the public. During that time, this centre of
China’s mini-world saw two dynasties (the Ming and Qing) and a total of 24
separate rulers.
The biggest and bestest most impressive building is The Hall
of Supreme Harmony which was used for ceremonial occasions of all sorts, and it’s
the home to the dragon throne. The western and eastern sides are the former
living quarters and also libraries, temples, theatres, gardens and tennis
courts. Nowadays, these areas and small buildings are filled with exhibits of
jewelry and clocks and weapons and photography and etcetera.
The juiciest story of the place is about a well. The Well of
Concubine Zhen is famous because this one time, the infamous Cixi (she was a
mad crazy bitch) threw a disliked concubine down there to drown. It doesn't look that great, I mean the place has a lot of wells and they don't know for sure which one it is, but the're all just holes in the ground. Cool story though.
Enough with the actual facts now, my general impression is
that I like the place. I like the fact that no matter how well-funded and fancy
it is, there is still grass growing on the roofs. I like the fact that no
matter how many thousands of people there are visiting, it’s so damn big that
you can always find a quiet spot. I like the fact that the number of everything
(studs on doors(9 x 9 = 81), little figures on rooftops (only odd numbers),
bridges across the mini-river(5) ) has great significance.
The gardens are lovely, and the whole place actually makes
for a wonderful getaway from bustling inner-city Beijing. There are always
birds and the trees are incredible and old because they’re all protected. The
Forbidden City employs hundreds of locals, and a lot of them seem to kind of
just sit in the shade and watch the goings-on. There will be an old lady
sweeping dust from one side of a courtyard to another, all day long, without
much result. There will be a locked gate through which you can still see a
slice of the ongoing corridor on the other side, after which there is an open
gate and finally a man just sitting on a seat outside a rundown shed kind of
thing. It really is its own mini-city. You could be on the east side and have
no idea what the heck was going on around the west side.
There is a lot, lot more that can be said about The Forbidden City. However, if you're going to go to China, there is no way you wouldn't go to Beijing and then there is no way you wouldn't go to the Forbidden city anyways. The DK Eyewitness and Lonely Planet guides for China are where I get most of my information from, and if you have any specific questiong feel free to comment/email me, but I think these pictures say a lot. They certainly jogged my memory.
Uoh!, wonderful pics!