There are some things that don’t change too much no matter
what country you’re in. Rather than go into an in-depth discussion of the
universality of human nature (which I totally could do right here right now - dare me) I’m going to give you
the example of McDonalds. Apart from in India (apparently they don’t serve
meat? Or is that a big rumor-lie?) McDonalds is almost always the same
everywhere. Here in China, there is a lot of focus on chicken instead of beef and
students use the fast food chain as a studying location because it’s 24 hours
even though you can’t get a McFlurry at 4am. How dumb is that!? I go there all the time because the
McCafe is the only place within walking distance from my dormitory that serves
drinkable coffee.
I digress. My point is, certain things are very similar no
matter what country you’re in. Another one of such things is Vogue.
I don’t buy a lot of Vogue issues when I’m in Australia
simply because it isn’t that cheap. Not that I don’t think it’s worth about ten
dollars. (I can’t even remember how much a Vogue costs in Australia? Probably more than that?) I am more
than happy to pay reasonable (read: big) sums of money for good publications,
but I pay those reasonable sums for Yen, Rolling Stone, National Geographic and
Vanity Fair on an already too-regular basis. Vogue was always just that step
too far for me. I’m pleased to say, though, that I’m a regular Vogue purchaser/reader here in
China – its 20 kuai. That’s less than four Australian dollars. Four dollars is
definitely within my budget.
I’m going to say first of all that the publication isn’t as
good as its Australian, let-alone American, let-alone French equivalent. To
start with, they republish the exact same string of ads for the first several
pages of every issue. Secondly, their editorials are rarely original and simply
repeat those from the bigger Vogue sisters. Thirdly, I can’t really read it. I
mean, I could but it would be like
homework. There are so many proper nouns that I’ve never learnt, and I know
Mandarin for ‘red’ but not for ‘scarlet’ or ‘cherry’ or ‘fire-engine’ or ‘crimson’
- and we all know how descriptive these damn things can be.
To be honest, it’s kind of nice to have an excuse to not
have to read it all. Hahahaha, I always read the articles when I buy fashion
magazines in English because of this frugal old-lady attitude of really ‘getting
my money’s worth’, but it’s not a concern with Chinese Vogue – both because it’s
actually affordable and because it’s all in characters.
There are certain things about it that weird me out. For
example, in the average Australian Vogue there would be, what, about less than
10% of models who are Asian? If that? But in Chinese Vogue editorials I think
about half of the models are White. Most of the top-company advertisements
feature non-Asian models too. I really came to appreciate this phenomenon when
I saw that the November issue's beauty section featured a how-to guide for eyelid tape. What’s
that? It’s tape, and when applied properly it sticks part of your lower eyelid
to your upper eyelid so that your eyes appear bigger and rounder.
Yeah, I know. Now, please talk to me about East-wannabe-West
delusions of beauty.
The skinny craze is also much more apparent here in Chinese
Vogue, possibly because Chinese women are just naturally thinner anyway. The
waif look is totally consuming, and it’s impossible not to notice. I genuinely
believe that the magazine industry is slowly coming out of the intense
heroin-chic phase that began in the nineties, but Chinese Vogue is definitely
still on that boat.
The good thing is, when they do an editorial with local (as
in, Chinese) models, it can be really great. I especially love the haircuts
they can pull off because their hair is so much more manageable than most
European hair types. The beauty section (when it isn't selling eyelid tape) can be wonderful in the way it makes the
most of a Chinese woman’s amazing facial features, and it just makes me wonder
why they would use so many White models. Baffling. The clothes are also, of
course, off the chain. The Chinese have a special penchant for excess, and what
better platform to take gratuitous photos of material excess than Vogue. It’s
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